General FAQs

How do I get additional training on SalesNOW?
How do I import Contact, Companies, Leads, or Deals into SalesNOW?
How do I setup new users?
How much after the 30-day trial?
How do I cancel the service?
How to send Outlook Add-in log to SalesNOW support?

Mobile Device FAQs

How do I get data from the Website to synchronize with the Blackberry?
When setting up my BlackBerry I get the Error Code, Null Null
How do I get the most recent version of SalesNOW on my BlackBerry?
I get an “Authentication Error”, or I can’t log into my BlackBerry, or I lost my Password
How do I switch User?
Why is my SalesNOW is not changing in to the landscope mode?
Why is my synchronization process very slow?
How do I reinstall SalesNOW if I am changing my BlackBerry?
I signed up for the SalesNOW 30 Day Trial but I have not yet received the application
When using SalesNOW, I got an access denied error
How do I refresh the SalesNOW database?
How to send an event log to support?
How do I fix Tunnel Error/APN Setting?
How do I enable push service?
I have an issue on my BlackBerry that is not answered here
How to remove SalesNOW from BlackBerry?
How do I reinstall the application?
How to get device crash log from iPhone?

Outlook FAQs

How do I integrate with Microsoft Outlook?
Outlook Add-in installation displays, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 has not been installed
Why is my Outlook 2007/2010 Add-in is not working?
How to composing a SalesNOW email from web?
Why is my Outlook keep duplicating meetings in calendar on SalesNOW?

Please contact for any other issues.