General FAQs
How do I get additional training on SalesNOW?
How do I import Contact, Companies, Leads, or Deals into SalesNOW?
Log in to SalesNOW on the website.
 Go to "setup"
 "Data Management"
 "Import Contacts and Companies" or "Import Leads" or "Import Deals"
How do I setup new users?
Log in to SalesNOW on the website.
 Go to "setup"
 Go to the "Users" tab
 Click on "new user"
 Enter the required information and click "save & close"
 The user will then receive an email with instructions to continue the setup of the account.
How much after the 30-day trial?
After the free one month trial, you have the option to subscribe to SalesNOW for $19.95 per month.
How do I cancel the service?
If you would like to cancel, please confirm your request by sending an email to
How to send Outlook Add-in log to SalesNOW support?
Send us a SalesNOW log by following the steps below:
 Open Outlook
 Click on "Options" on the SalesNOW toolbar
 Go to the "Log" tab
 Click on "Send Log to Support"
Mobile Device FAQs
How do I get data from the Website to synchronize with the Blackberry?
There are four ways of getting the info to synchronize to your BlackBerry:
 1) Within SalesNOW on your BlackBerry, press the BlackBerry menu button and select "Synchronize!".
 2) Close SalesNOW on your BlackBerry, and re-launch SalesNOW. This will start a synchronization.
 3) In your SalesNOW web account, set up the periodic synchronization by going to "setup" >
"BlackBerry Administration" > "Enable Scheduled Synchronization".
 4) In your SalesNOW web account, set up the real-time synchronization by going to "setup" >
"BlackBerry Administration" > "Enable Real-time Synchronization".
When setting up my BlackBerry I get the Error Code, Null Null
This error is caused by the permissions on the BlackBerry not being set correctly. You can try updating the connection permission for SalesNOW by following the steps below. If you are still unable to connect, please contact your IT administrator to disable any further connection restrictions:
 From the BlackBerry Home screen, click the "Options" icon
 Goto "Security Options"
 "Application Permissions"
 Beside "Connections", select "Change Option" from the menu.
 Select "Allow"
 Select "Save" from the options menu.
 Restart BlackBerry.
How do I get the most recent version of SalesNOW on my BlackBerry?
There are two ways to get the most current version of SalesNOW on your BlackBerry. (Note: once you have deployed the most recent version of the BlackBerry, your Web account will be updated to the most recent version as well).
 Web from Desktop: Go to Setup and select the option "Install on BlackBerry". This will send you a link to install on
your BlackBerry. In the installation process, it will remove the old version. Once the application is installed you
can bring the data down to the device by selecting the option "Refresh Data from Server".
 Web on BlackBerry: you can download a new version by going to the following link you’re your BlackBerry:
I get an “Authentication Error”, or I can’t log into my BlackBerry, or I lost my Password
One of the most common reasons you can’t log into the BlackBerry is that you are entering an incorrect password.
 You can reset your password by entering your email address at the following link:
 You can also select the “Forgot Your password” option from the website.
How do I switch User?
For security purposes, this can only be done by an authorized representative making the change directly with the SalesNOW support team. Once the change is processed, you will need to follow the following steps:
 Open SalesNOW
 Press the BlackBerry menu button
 Select "Options" then "Security"
 Press "Switch User"
 Restart SalesNOW and enter the new login
Why is my SalesNOW is not changing in to the landscope mode?
Please note that some users' devices could not make use of the horizontal view because of improper configuration. Please ensure that the compatibility mode for SalesNOW is disabled. This option can be changed by going to:
 "Advanced Options"
 "Highlight SalesNOW"
 "BlackBerry menu" and choose "Disable Compatibility Mode"
Why is my synchronization process very slow?
Your synchronization maybe slow if you are running on a 2G network. To speed up the synchronization, you can change your settings to a 3G or any other high performance network by:
 Go to "BB homescreen"
 Go to "manage connections" (the antenna sign)
 Go to "Mobile Network Option"
 Change 2G to "2G & 3G"
How do I reinstall SalesNOW if I am changing my BlackBerry?
If you are changing your BlackBerry you need to reload SalesNOW on your device and refresh the data from the server. To install SalesNOW again to the BlackBerry, Please follow the instruction on "How do I get the most recent version of SalesNOW on my BlackBerry?"
To refresh your data from the server, perform the following:
 Open SalesNOW from your BlackBerry.
 Press on the BlackBerry menu button and select "Options"
 Select "Data Synchronization"
 Select "Refresh"
I signed up for the SalesNOW 30 Day Trial but I have not yet received the application
The email may have been caught by your spam filter. Check your spam filter to obtain the SalesNOW application. If this does not work, you can access the download directly by entering the following link your BlackBerry browser.
When using SalesNOW, I got an access denied error
It's either a firewall or BlackBerry setting conflict.
 Reset your firewall setting:
 Go to the BlackBerry homescreen
 Select "Options" then "Security Options"
 "Select Firewall"
 Press the BlackBerry menu button
 Select "Reset Settings"
 Log in to SalesNOW.
 If the device was once setup on a BES, please ensure BIS connection is used:
 Open SalesNOW on your BlackBerry.
 Select the "Advanced" option.
 Check the "Use BIS networking" option
 Log in to SalesNOW
How do I refresh the SalesNOW database?
 Open SalesNOW on your BlackBerry.
 Press the menu button and select "Options"
 Select "Data Synchronization"
 Select "Refresh"
 Select "Yes" to continue
 Select "OK" to confirm the refresh
 Two green arrows will appear beside the SalesNOW logo until the refresh is finished
How to send an event log to support?
To reach your Log file follow the steps below:
 Go back to the BlackBerry homescreen
 Hold on to the "alt" key and press the following combination: L G L G
 Press the menu button and "Options"
 Scroll down a bit and press the menu button
 Select "Hide all types"
 Scroll down and select "Java Exception"
 Press menu button and Save (This will bring the Event Log)
 Select the first entry
 Press the menu button and "Copy Event"
 Compose a new email with subject "BlackBerry event log" and send it to
How do I fix Tunnel Error/APN Setting?
This can be due to your BlackBerry setting does not allow direct TCP connection to the internet. Please try defining the APN:
 Go to your BlackBerry homescreen.
 Go to "Options" then "Advanced Options".
 Select "TCP"
 follow the instruction
 Please refer to
How do I enable push service?
To enable the push service, a prompt should have displayed to allow appropriate application permission. You can follow the steps below to display the prompt again:
 Remove the application:
 Go to "Options" then "Advanced Options".
 Choose Applications
 Highlight "SalesNOW and press the menu button"
 Select "Delete"Restart device
 by re-inserting the battery
 Set default permission:
 Go to "Options" then "Advanced Options".
 Press the menu button
 Select "Edit Default Permissions"
I have an issue on my BlackBerry that is not answered here
You can email us the description of the issue at For issues related to synchronization, it would assist us if you can also send us the BlackBerry log. You can send us the log by performing the following steps:
 Open SalesNOW on BlackBerry
 Press the BlackBerry menu button (on the left of the trackball), select Options
 Select Log
 Scroll down and select "Send Log to Support"
How to remove SalesNOW from BlackBerry?
In order to remove the application from your BlackBerry, you can:
 Go to your BlackBerry homescreen
 Go to "Options" then "Advanced Options".
 Go to "Applications"
 Find "SalesNOW"
 Click on the BlackBerry menu button and select "Delete"
How do I reinstall the application?
How to get device crash log from iPhone?
 Connect your iPhone with your computer and launch iTunes
 Synchronize your phone with iTunes by pressing "Sync"
 Go to the following folder on your computer: Windows Vista/7, please go to:
\AppData\Roaming\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter/MobileDevice/
 Windows XP, please go to: C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter/
 Please send us all files with filenames that are prefixed with "SN_"
Outlook FAQs
How do I integrate with Microsoft Outlook?
SalesNOW supports integration with MS Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 (currently MS Outlook 2003 is not available).
To setup Outlook integration, perform the following:
 Close Outlook on your PC
 Logon to SalesNOW at
 Go to "setup"
 "Install Outlook 2007/2010 Integration"
 Follow the instructions on the screen.
Outlook Add-in installation displays, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 has not been installed
That is due to one of the mandatory Outlook components is missing.
Prior to installing SalesNOW Outlook Add-in, please verify that the default Outlook components have been installed by following the steps below:
 In Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs.
 Select "Microsoft Office 2007".
 Select Add or Remove Features.
 Click Continue.
 In the Installation Options tab, click the '+' to expand the "Microsoft Office Outlook".
 Click the drop-down arrow adjacent to ".NET Programmability Support" and select "Run from My Computer".
Why is my Outlook 2007/2010 Add-in is not working?
The SalesNOW Add-in synchronization needs to work with Outlook's cached exchange mode. Please change the setting by following these steps:
 On the "Tools" menu ("Files" menu in Outlook 2010), click "Account Settings"
 On the "E-mail" tab, click the Exchange Server account, and then click "Change".
 Under "Microsoft Exchange server", select the "Use Cached Exchange Mode" check box.
 Exit and restart Office Outlook 2007.
How to composing a SalesNOW email from web?
Once you have the Outlook Integration installed, you can follow these steps compose an email from the web interface:
 From the web interface, open a contact, lead or deal.
 Click on "other" (near the top right, below "close"
 Select "compose Outlook email"
 The Outlook email window should appear with the SalesNOW layout.
Why is my Outlook keep duplicating meetings in calendar on SalesNOW?
The duplicate issue might be cause by the backup feature on Outlook 2007/2010 or you might have other third party backup software installed. By default, Outlook 2007 looks to both your outlook.pst file and the outlook backup file at the same time. So, as soon as you do a backup of your Outlook file, the to-do’s from both files begin to appear. If this is in fact the source of your problem, the fix is easy. Simply go to Tools then Account Settings then Data Files and remove the backup file that appears in the list. The Personal Folders should be your default with the only other file appearing in the list being your archive file.
Please contact for any other issues.